
Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Autobiography Of Malcolm X As Told To Alex Haley

Today is Malcolm X's birthday. He was born in 1925. I know just like me you're wondering what he would have accomplished in his life if he had not been assassinated in Harlem on February 21,1965. He has always been someone who I really admired for being a true warrior. I have read a lot of books about him and researched over the Internet about his life and philosophy. If it had his name on it I would read it. I remember the first time I read an Autobiography Of Malcolm X As Told To Alex Haley. I wish I could remember exactly what year it was when I did read it. When I was in Junior High a lot of kids were reading it then. I wasn't interested in reading it until sometime much later. I saw him as a shining black prince. How could you not love a man like him? Wow, someone who said what was on his mind and exactly what he stood for. I couldn't believe a black man in the 60's would dare say the things he had and to the people he was saying it to at that time. If you watch any videos of him speaking , you'll see a man so intelligent, articulate and brave. I guess he really believed in the Honorable Elijah Muhammad an awful lot. It didn't matter what others thought of his beliefs, he believed it and that was enough. I saw him as a strong black man willing to do all he could to help his people realize that they were a special people. I also admire The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. At the time I read the autobiography I wondered how could someone want to turn the other cheek when faced with any harm. That's why Malcolm was so much of a hero to me, because I wanted to fight back not turn my cheek so someone could slap, spit or punch me. Of course, my views have changed, but Malcolm X is still my hero.
If you have read the book it definitely has had some type of influence in your life. I've learnt so many things about myself after reading this book but the one thing I want to share is that I am an American and I owe it to my community to always help where I can and to remember no black person is ever in this alone. We need to help each other as much as we can. Just because one man has a lot he should never leave his fellow man behind to suffer. Believe in something or you will fall for anything. How could you not admire a man who was willing to die for what he believed in. Leave a comment if you've read the book and how it has changed your thoughts on black pride.


Saturday, May 14, 2011


I know by now you guys have heard about American Experience Freedom Riders on PBS. I truly hope you have. It's premiering on Monday, May 16th at 9/8c. I truly hope you can find time to sit with your family and watch this documentary. I myself have been waiting for it for months.

I truly hope you also have an idea what this show is I'm sure you do. You know it takes place during the Civil Rights Movement and that is really why you should know something about it. Well, if you don't here's a little info for ya!! After you watch the video below, check out the website. The link is just below the video. If you do watch it, I would love to hear from you. So come back and leave a comment.


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day To Ya!!!

Today is a very special day. Mother's all around the world are going to be celebrated for the love they give to their families all year round. Being a mom is not an easy job. If you're a mother you do know that. It's a beautiful journey though, very beautiful indeed. When you start your family you do worry about a lot. Will you be a good mother? How will you prepare for your child's future? And if you have a black male you just pray he lives to see his children grow up( that's after he is an adult of course). I'm so glad that I can now look back at my 2 sons and remember how things were and how happy I am that they are good citizens of this world. I love them both so much. They both make me so proud.

But Mother's Day to me is more for me to think of my mom and how special I want her to feel, more than my sons celebrating with me or because of me.
My mom lives out of state. I haven't spent a mom's day with her in years. I miss that. I miss her. Families are going to church today. Maybe they will give their special lady some flowers, call her on the phone or maybe she has a dinner waiting for her at home. Whatever she has to look forward too I hope she loves it.

One thing for sure is that I love my mama to death. She is a very beautiful woman and I have never met another woman like her. To me she is still the smartest woman in the world. She knows everything. I remember when I was young and in school, I would ask her the definition of a word she would make me look it up. I only asked her because she knew every word in the dictionary. That's what I believed then and now as an adult I know it's true. It seemed anything I asked her she knew and I can always rely on her til this day to know what I need to know if I need advice. After we chat I always feel so much better. I love that woman so.
There will be a  lot of lucky women whose families will make them feel very special today. I started this post just to say "HAPPY MOTHER"S DAY" and many more to us all. Kiss your mom today and tell her you appreciate her often and always remember she needs to know that. I will be calling my mom real soon to let her know she has always been my hero.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Alicia Keys Essence June Cover Girl

Alicia Keys looking good on the June cover of Essence magazine. This is one of 2 covers.


Saturday, April 30, 2011

Kelly Price "Not My Daddy" Video Featuring Stokely Williams

I just had to have this video on my page. I heard this for the first time today and I love, I mean I absolutely love this song. Kelly Price is BACK and she has Stokely Williams from the band Mint Condition with her. Regina King directed the video and it's hot. Check it out .




Wednesday, April 6, 2011

WENDY WILLIAMS Essence Magazine May Cover Girl

My favorite cover

I was so excited when I received my May issue of ESSENCE magazine with our girl Wendy Williams on the cover. Trust me I am a big fan of hers. I watch her show everyday. I'm watching now and she just revealed one of the magazine covers to the audience. There are two beautiful covers to chose from. This issue is about friendships between women and you know Wendy is a friend in our heads. I'm happy that she was chosen to grace the cover.  It's on the newsstand now, go get it!

Just as pretty

I was disappointed when she was eliminated from "Dancing With The Stars" last night. I bet secretly she's happy it's over. Did you see the pictures of her feet, her very swollen feet? I felt so bad for her. I voted for her as much as I could. I only stopped when the recording said I was "DONE" and couldn't vote anymore. She has a lot going on lately. Watch out for her new show "Love Triangle" on the Game Show Network debuting April 18th. Good luck to ya!!!


Monday, April 4, 2011

Barack Obama Announces The Launch of His 2012 Campaign

Oh yea, it's on!!!! Let's do what we can to re-elect President Obama to a second term. I am just as excited as I was in 2008.


Friday, April 1, 2011

My Pretty New Earrings

So pretty
 I have a lot of earrings. Costume earrings and a lot of gold earrings too. Just recently I started buying big fashion earrings. You know the kind...real big and earthy. The kind you think only ethnic and natural hair women have in their stash. Well, really it's because I have shorter hair now and we all know short natural hair goes with big flashy earrings. I'll buy earrings at the drop of a hat. Especially pretty ones that are reasonably priced (which means cheap). Every time I looked at my earrings I noticed that I have too many dark (black and brown) colors and lots of brass earrings. So I started thinking about all the bright colors I needed to add to my collection. Spring is on the way and bright bold colors are exactly what I need.

 Awhile ago I came across this tiny store in Manhattan that sold costume jewelry. I know there's many of them around the city. It's small but packed with a lot of nice things. I literally went crazy trying to be careful and not spend much money and still get everything I had to have.

The other day I was in midtown Manhattan. 23rd and 7th Ave to be exact. So I went to what is becoming my favorite store, Gem Story. Of course I was not disappointed at all. All the beautiful necklaces, rings and bracelets. They had a large selection of new earrings. I picked up 5 new pairs ranging from 3-5 dollars.
I took some pictures for you to see let me know how you like them or if you have ever been to Gem Story.

can you see the glitter?
these are so sexy
so 70's inspired

Rihanna's Rolling Stones Cover

Are these shorts painted on??
Rihanna never ceases to amaze her fans and haters. I just like this young lady a lot. Just look at her Rolling Stones magazine cover. There are a couple of things I really admire about her. First her music of course. Second her classy and edgy style. She changes it up often and always gets it right.
I know you heard about the article and of course it's also just as sexy. She talks about Chris Brown and why she had the restaining order lifted. Yes, yes she talks about how she loves to be submissive during sex. I know you want to read the article, but until you do read a little about it here.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Rebirth Of EbonyGirlSpeaks

I remember the day I wanted to start this blogging thing. It would be fun I thought, something to do in between tv shows. I had so much I wanted to say and learn along the way. I've said a few things and learnt so much more. Well, yea I still wanna blog my days away. Why? I just don't know. Sometimes, I feel I know a lot and then I know nothing at all. I like to share information and start intelligent debates about things that are important and interesting. Well, important and interesting to me that is. There is so much going on in the world today. Earthquakes, tsunamis, over throwing of governments, global warmingand crazy celebrities. Where would I begin? Am I offering something that will be a contribution to my family, my community, this planet? That's very important to me, to be able to share and receive good information. This is my rebirth. The beginning of a new me.


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