
Saturday, January 17, 2009

~WATCH THIS~Inauguration Info From President Elect Barack Obama


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Another New Beginning Baby

I haven't made a New Years Resolution in years. I'm not trying to make one now either. It's a good thing to try and start anew, whenever there needs to be some change, of course. There's alot of things I admire about me and some things I really would love to work on. Well I figure at this stage in the game I'll just stop making the same mistakes, but then i'll just make new ones. Ones I will learn from and I won't even try to make major changes but just love me for me. Well "it's easier said than done" you say? Nah not really. I will make it easy. See my plan is just to take it all in stride. To remember that I have one life to live and live it for me and no one else. Well that's not really true because there are so many people in my life who I live for and could never not be there for them or have their best interest in mind.

There's more to the story but,all we ever really want to do is be happy. So I really would like to wish everyone a happy and prosperous New Year and to always remember if we don't get it right this year....we always have next year...



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